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2022 Legal Industry Trends Report

Learn how over 2,300 legal professionals are using technology to improve their firm’s efficiency, profitability, and flexibility.

For our second annual Legal Industry Report, MyCase and LawPay surveyed over 2,300 legal professionals to understand the pandemic’s long-term effects on law firms and their subsequent technology choices and perspectives. We found that those in the legal industry and their clients ultimately benefited from the increased availability of software options and customization.

Survey respondents shared that software integrations and practice-area-specific functionality were top priorities when choosing software for their law firms. Additionally, we learned that the greater the accessibility to the specific tools their firms needed, the higher the chances for technology adoption.

Another notable trend from the survey was that legal professionals began to invest in more robust and permanent software solutions. The outcome was positive, with the technology investment providing significant benefits, including improved business productivity and flexibility. 

To learn more, get our full report, in which we cover:

  • The pandemic’s effect on legal technology adoption and law firm revenue
  • Attitudes about legal technology consolidation and its perceived impact on the profession
  • The software and integrations law firms rely on for crucial functionality
  • The features legal professionals desire in their firm’s primary operating software
  • The impact of these software tools on firm efficiency, adaptability, and resiliency
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