Austin Immigration Firm Quadruples Client Intake Capacity with MyCase
Austin, TX
A Bit of Backstory
From the outset of her career as an immigration attorney, Vi Nanthaveth has made it her mission to help and onboard as many clients as her firm can handle. Leading with compassion and an eagerness to connect with all who reach out for help, Nanthatveth & Associates draws clients by the thousands — not only domestically, but from all over the world. But maintaining a high volume of inquiries in perpetuity is a tall order for any ambitious legal team with limited administrative bandwidth.
To that end, streamlining their intake process with MyCase has made a world of difference to the firm, enabling a higher intake capacity and ultimately a growth in caseload. Using the Intake, eSignature, and Workflow features in MyCase, Vi shares how Nanthaveth & Associates has quadrupled their intake capacity.
A Partnership with MyCaseBack in the day, when we were just starting to implement MyCase into our business office, we used to say a busy day amounted to about six or seven consultations. And of course, the goal was to meet with more so we could ultimately help more people. So we thought: How can we utilize MyCase to help us increase this traffic? Since then, one of the best ways we’ve been able to use it is streamlining the way that we do intake.
Because of MyCase, we’ve seen such a growth in the business, literally going from maybe meeting three to four people a day to meeting 15 people a day.
Tell us about your intake process prior to MyCase?
The firm before MyCase was, to say the least. quite archaic. Our intake process consisted of us having prospects fill out a physical form during their initial consultation – which was a huge time suck.
How has your intake & consultation process improved since using MyCase?
I am really thorough in my consultations with my clients. It gives me an opportunity to not only connect with the client, but also allows me to communicate our process thoroughly and field any questions they have. Every minute counts and the more time I have to spend on in-person intake, the less time I have to help other prospective clients.
eSignature alone has enabled us to close more cases because it gives us back so much time.
MyCase came out with a Digital Intake Form where you can tailor the questions to the needs of your firm. Using that feature we were able to create both a Spanish and an English intake form which we send to prospects pre-consultation via email or text in the form of a link. That saves us so much time.
Has MyCase reduced turnaround time of your client onboarding process?
Initially, we had to email all new clients our contract. That client then had to print, sign, scan, and send the contract back to us. eSignature in MyCase was a game changer; it truly streamlined what we do. Now we just email the contract, the client initials every page, signs it, and we get it back the same day. They no longer have to print or scan anything; it’s just automatic. eSignature alone has enabled us to close more cases because it gives us back so much time.
We use every aspect of MyCase and it just makes sense for us to have software that keeps innovating, month after month.
How do you maintain strong oversight of your cases with a high caseload?
Immigration cases can go on for months, even years. MyCase is essential when it comes to keeping all of us on top of our cases for the duration of a case, no matter how long it takes to close. In the past, I would have to fumble through case files to find notes; sometimes I’d even have to call the client directly. In MyCase, you can easily search all the way through a case’s activity history and see exactly what’s going on, what’s already been done, and the exact date and time that it happened.
How has MyCase innovated over time to meet your needs?
I absolutely love how MyCase has been growing with our business. Things are getting streamlined; things are getting faster. It’s smooth. It’s easy to use. It’s innovative. It’s affordable. I frequently get notifications that something new has been added, and 9 out of 10 times, it’s a feature that helps me in my role. We use every aspect of MyCase and it just makes sense for us to have software that keeps innovating, month after month.
Overall, how has MyCase helped your firm succeed?
Because of MyCase, we’ve seen such a growth in the business, literally going from maybe meeting three to four people a day to meeting 15 people a day. It has been an amazing process that we’ve been able to implement into the firm. We have hundreds of cases and hundreds of clients at any given time. We process hundreds of new prospects every single month. There’s no way we’d be able to tackle that volume in a timely manner without MyCase and how organized it is.