MyCase Software Reviews and Testimonials

Over 15,000 firms choose MyCase for their case management needs.

MyCase legal software’s Capterra and G2 awards

How does MyCase stack up against our competitors?

What makes MyCase stand out in legal case management software? We built our easy-to-use technology around lawyers’ specific needs, providing an intuitive and robust law practice management solution that increases law firm efficiency and profitability.

Ease of Use

MyCase’s intuitive legal case management software and features like customizable intake forms, unlimited eSignature, smart time finder, and premium reporting help law firms streamline and grow their business, increasing revenue by 38%.

  • MyCase: 9.0
  • Legal Case Management Average: 8.2

*The G2 “Ease of Use” score indicates customers’ satisfaction with the solutions offered and by how user-friendly the features are within the software.

MyCase software is rated 9 out of 10 for ease of use, compared to an average of 8.2 out of 10 for other legal case management software.

Quality of Support

MyCase’s team of Support Specialists has the experience and knowledge to give your firm complete and prompt support via phone, email, or virtual chat. Our live support staff are committed to answering your phone call by the second ring.

  • MyCase: 8.8
  • Legal Case Management Average: 8.4

*G2’s “Quality of Support” scores reflect customers’ satisfaction with the customer service, including availability, troubleshooting, and problem-solving provided by a software’s support resources.

MyCase software is rated 8.8 out of 10 for quality of support, compared to an average of 8.4 out of 10 for other legal case management software.

Ease of Setup

With no contracts, no hidden fees, and a team of onboarding experts to help every step of the way, getting started with MyCase is quick and easy. In fact, most new customers can get up and running in as little as 3-5 business days.

  • MyCase: 8.4
  • Legal Case Management Average: 7.8

*G2’s “Ease of Set Up” scores are determined by customers’ satisfaction with the convenience of the set-up process and the amount of time it takes to implement the software.

MyCase software is rated 8.4 out of 10 for ease of setup, compared to an average of 7.8 out of 10 for other legal case management software.

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